Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years at Domaine Chandon

Every New Years party tends to be a let down. We always want to be at the hub of whatever fun is going on, but for some reason, the night never pulls through.

Not this year.

We danced out 2008 and swaggered into 2009 at Domaine Chandon’s black tie “Roaring 20’s” New Year’s party. So much so that I might have “celebrated” enough to last until 2019.

We went with Andrew's brother, his friend Lindsay, and our friends Jay and Dana (pictured kissing on our homepage). The guys had a great excuse to wear our Little Barrel ties and the girls had no problem matching scarf belts to their dresses.

I gotta say, seeing Andrew's brother and my friends THIS dressed up in Little Barrel got me a little emotional. This time last year our company seemed like a pipe dream and, tonight, everyone wore OUR designs!!

As soon as we arrived, the dance floor swallowed everyone up and I barely saw my friends halfway through the first bottle (apparently Jay took it dancing). There was plenty of champagne and the live band kept everyone moving for hours. The best part about the crowd was there we so many people of different ages! I swear I saw the spitting image of my uncle doing the Charleston. People were in a festive mood and it was easy to make friends. Nobody wanted to stop.

Nobody really remembers what time our driver took us home, but we all had plenty of stories the next morning. I’d share them with you but a) you will judge and b) you just have to experience it yourself.

- Taylor